MRI Services at Affordable Rates
MRI Services at Affordable Rates
MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is a safe and efficient method for medical diagnosis of many conditions. In many cases, MRI can lead to early detection and treatment of disease without surgery or biopsy. It is a noninvasive method of examining the soft tissue of the body. This includes organs, muscles, and tendons.
Anxiety, hyperactivity, claustrophobia, and obesity are common things that affect a patient’s experience with the common "tunnel-style” MRI systems. Our MRI facility is spacious, comfortable, quiet, and open on all sides. These make it airy and bright.
Our goal at GARDEN CITY DIAGNOSTICS LLC in Garden City, Kansas is to make your visit as easy and convenient as possible. The openness allows a friend or family member to sit with you or even hold your hand while you wait. To accommodate more people, our scanning table has no weight limit. It also has cushioned pads, pillows, and specially formed sponges to make every patient comfortable.
Once your scan is complete, it will be reviewed and interpreted by a qualified radiologist. We will then provide your physician with a quick and accurate interpretation of your scan’s results. They will then discuss these results with you. Should you have any questions about the findings, please consult with your physician.
With our facility, you now have a choice in Garden City! Ask your doctor for a referral to GARDEN CITY DIAGNOSTICS LLC today! If you like, you can even visit the office and see the machine before your appointment.
How Do You Prepare for the Exam?
How Do You Prepare for the Exam?
We ask that you arrive 10-15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. Upon your arrival, our receptionist will ask you to fill out the patient registration and history information forms. These questions are important in helping us gain essential information about you.
No special preparation is required prior to the MRI exam. You may still eat normally and go about your daily routine. Continue to take any medication prescribed by your doctor unless otherwise directed. We also ask that you bring your insurance cards, insurance forms, and any other medical records that could help us evaluate your status.

Due to the MRI machine’s magnetic field, you may be asked to remove the following items before the exam:
- Coins
- Credit Cards
- Hearing Aids
- Watches
- Keys
- Glasses
- Hairpins
- Dentures
Additionally, please check with your physician or MRI technologist if you have had any brain, ear, eye or other surgeries or any of the following conditions:
- Pacemaker
- Neurostimulator (TENS-Unit)
- Metal Implants
- Intrauterine Device (IUD), Etc.
- Aneurysm Clips
- Surgical Staples
- Shrapnel or Bullet Wounds
- Permanent Eyeliner

What Happens During the Exam?
What Happens During the Exam?
A procedure typically lasts anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the type of information required by your physician. Once you are on the table, make sure you are comfortable so that it is easy to keep still. Breathe normally. A special coil will be attached to the area of your body being examined. A faint knocking sound will be heard, which is simply the imaging process in operation.
Please try to be as still as possible during the exam. Once it is over, the technologist will assist you out of the scan room.
Our technologist will be able to see you at all times. For your convenience, an intercom system is built into the magnet so that a technologist can assist immediately if ever you need anything. You may also arrange with our receptionist to have a close friend or family member sit with you during the exam. Music is also available for you to enjoy.